Appliances complete a kitchen and give you the functional tools to cook well and clean efficiently. But they do more than that. Specific appliances have a stylistic impact and can change the overall look of your kitchen.

Built-in or freestanding? The answer to this question will influence your kitchen's feel and open up-style options depending on your taste.


Built-in kitchen appliances lend themselves to a clean and minimalist feel. A flush installation fits in seamlessly with your cupboards and cabinets, but just because your appliances are built-in, it doesn't automatically mean they need to be flush. Although a less popular option, overlay installation allows your appliances to become a statement and contribute to your kitchen style.

Freestanding appliances have practical benefits in that they can be more easily removed and don't require the same level of precision when being fitted. That being said, freestanding appliances can also deliver a specific style. They can offer a more retro feel and can make a strong statement.


You also have different options for the finish of your appliances in your kitchen. Stainless steel is often a popular option thanks to its versatility and evergreen look. Stainless steel tends to match nicely with pretty much any style and is also timeless, which might make your property easy to sell in the future.

Paneled appliances are also a popular choice for those who want their appliances to blend with the kitchen. By matching the finish of your fridge or your dishwasher to the rest of the cabinets, you can achieve a minimalist feel. On the other hand, if you love a vibrant look, then bold colors are the way to go. Don't be afraid to personalize your appliances. There are plenty of options out there.


An often-overlooked aspect of your appliance style is the arrangement. Your appliance positioning or concealment can have a significant effect on the design of your kitchen. For example, positioning your appliances together in a cluster can be very impactful.

There are also certain appliances you may wish to hide; a paneled finish is one way to do this, but you can also use a clever arrangement to create the same effect. Take the ventilation hood, for example, this can be integrated into your kitchen to make it look as if it isn't there. Think carefully about your arrangement and consider the impact it has on the style of your kitchen.

There's more to styling your kitchen appliances than you might think. Keep in mind all the options at your disposal, and you can make a statement with the style, finish, and arrangement of your appliances.